
30 March 2014

Science and Islam

Looking at the science in the light of Quran, we find that it contains information about the nature of the things that agrees with the modern science. It is completely wrong to regard science as superior than the religion because the science is itself a creation of Allah. Scientific facts are only correct as long as they matches with Quran. In case they disagree with Quran, they are wrong. There are many scientist in the history who believed in the existence of God which includes Albert Einstein, William Thomson Kelvin, Isaac Newton and Neil Armstrong. Looking at the science in the light of Quran, we find that it contains information about the nature of the things that agrees with the modern science. It is completely wrong to regard science as superior than the religion because the science is itself a creation of Allah. Scientific facts are only correct as long as they matches with Quran. In case they disagree with Quran, they are wrong. There are many scientist in the history who believed in the existence of God which includes Albert Einstein, William Thomson Kelvin, Isaac Newton and Neil Armstrong.
Looking at the science in the light of Quran, we find that it contains information about the nature of the things that agrees with the modern science. 
It is completely wrong to regard science as superior than the religion because the science is itself a creation of Allah. Scientific facts are only correct as long as they matches with Quran. In case they disagree with Quran, they are wrong.

There are many scientist in the history who believed in the existence of God which includes Albert Einstein, William Thomson Kelvin, Isaac Newton and Neil Armstrong.