30 January 2014

Angel in Mosque

on 8:44:00 PM
Officials deny seeing anything strange at the Prophet's Mosque after video goes viral of a white figure sitting amongst worshipers. Sheikh Gazi Al-Mutairi, Professor of Prince Naif chair for Haia at Madinah Islamic University cautioning people against jumping to conclusions without concrete evidence.Officials deny seeing anything strange at the Prophet's Mosque after video goes viral of a white figure sitting amongst worshipers. Sheikh Gazi Al-Mutairi, Professor of Prince Naif chair for Haia at Madinah Islamic University cautioning people against jumping to conclusions without concrete evidence.

Officials deny seeing anything strange at the Prophet's Mosque after video goes viral of a white figure sitting amongst worshipers. Sheikh Gazi Al-Mutairi, Professor of Prince Naif chair for Haia at Madinah Islamic University cautioning people against jumping to conclusions without concrete evidence. 

29 January 2014

A deaf accepted Islam

on 7:35:00 PM
Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam. Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam.

Subhanallah a deaf French brother embraced Islam

He took his Shahada using sign language in Qatar

28 January 2014

A Hindu-Indian family converted to Islam

on 10:49:00 PM
“The father named himself Mohammed, the mother Mariam, the daughter Aisha, the son Essa, and his wife Sara. Essa said he and all family members converted to Islam mainly because they personally feel that God can’t be two or three, Almighty Allah, the Creator can only be One. Feeling ecstatic that he had been guided to the right path, former protestant Christian James, now Essa, said his whole family embraced Islam after a two-year deep study of the religion, during which they read the translation of the Holy Quran in English and many other books. “I am also a fan of late Ahmed Deedat, Dr Zakir Naik, Yusuf Estes, and many other renowned debaters specialised in comparison of religions.”

“The father named himself Mohammed, the mother Mariam, the daughter Aisha, the son Essa, and his wife Sara.
Essa said he and all family members converted to Islam mainly because they personally feel that God can’t be two or three, Almighty Allah, the Creator can only be One.
Feeling ecstatic that he had been guided to the right path, former protestant Christian James, now Essa, said his whole family embraced Islam after a two-year deep study of the religion, during which they read the translation of the Holy Quran in English and many other books. “I am also a fan of late Ahmed Deedat, Dr Zakir Naik, Yusuf Estes, and many other renowned debaters specialised in comparison of religions.”
Adding, Essa said he faced no difficulty embracing Islam. “Though our relatives back home gave no comments, I am planning to talk to them about the mercy of Islam and how it is the right path to real happiness in life and hereafter.” Alhamdulillah

27 January 2014

Former German Ambassador accepted Islam

on 11:12:00 PM
This German Ambassador is 72 years aged lady who was a Christian before. She had worked all her life in Thailand as a German Ambassador. She was diagnosed with breast cancer during her career life. She went to numerous great doctors who all declared this disease as incurable. Then someone told her about Pir Usman, who is a scholar and he has the ability to cure deadly diseases through spirituality. She got her treatment from Pir Usman after few days the results of her tests were astonishing. She got improved day by day. From this, she really got impressed by Islam and decided to read books to have knowledge about the religion. She has quoted that Pir Usman did not demand any fees from her for the treatment. This also became a fascinating matter for her. She started taking interest in Islam and after reading about it, she thought it to be the ultimate religion and she has converted into Islam.

The former German Ambassador Yasmeen has converted into Islam after experiencing a spiritualistic change in her life.

This German Ambassador is 72 years aged lady who was a Christian before. She had worked all her life in Thailand as a German Ambassador. She was diagnosed with breast cancer during her career life. She went to numerous great doctors who all declared this disease as incurable. Then someone told her about Pir Usman, who is a scholar and he has the ability to cure deadly diseases through spirituality.
She got her treatment from Pir Usman after few days the results of her tests were astonishing. She got improved day by day. From this, she really got impressed by Islam and decided to read books to have knowledge about the religion.
She has quoted that Pir Usman did not demand any fees from her for the treatment. This also became a fascinating matter for her. She started taking interest in Islam and after reading about it, she thought it to be the ultimate religion and she has converted into Islam.

Dhoni played drama of accepting Islam for 2nd Marriage

on 12:38:00 AM
Indian Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni played a drama of converting to Islam just for second marriage.He even did marriage according to Islamic ethics but has denied it in front of BCCI.According to our sources in India , Indian Captain Dhoni got marry with Hindu girl Sakshi Singh Rawat & took his name Dilawar Khan (a Muslim name) & his wife Sakshi also converted into Islam and her Islamic name is Ayesha.The marriage was took place in Lucknow on 4 July 2010.The price of HAQ MEHR was set 11 lakh & 11 thousand IND RS.Maulana Qazi Abu Talha Misbahi Faizabadi was the Qazi.Resources said that Dhoni's opponent raises this issue of converting to Islam & changing of name but Dhoni has denied all these rumors in front of BCCI.But a magazine "Outlook" which publishes from New Delhi has recently published image of Dhoni's "Nikal Nama"(Islamic Marriage Certificate)

Indian Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni played a drama of converting to Islam just for second marriage.He even did marriage according to Islamic ethics but has denied it in front of BCCI.According to our sources in India , Indian Captain Dhoni got marry with Hindu girl Sakshi Singh Rawat & took his name Dilawar Khan (a Muslim name) & his wife Sakshi also converted into Islam and her Islamic name is Ayesha.The marriage was took place in Lucknow on 4 July 2010.The price of HAQ MEHR was set 11 lakh & 11 thousand IND RS.Maulana Qazi Abu Talha Misbahi Faizabadi was the Qazi.Resources said that Dhoni's opponent raises this issue of converting to Islam & changing of name but Dhoni has denied all these rumors in front of BCCI.But a magazine "Outlook" which publishes from New Delhi has recently published image of Dhoni's "Nikal Nama"(Islamic Marriage Certificate)

26 January 2014

Cricketer Dhoni Converts to Islam (Full Story with Photos)

on 3:51:00 PM
Indian Cricket Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, could not have thought in his wildest dreams that his second marriage to “Aaisha Bi Singh Rawat” alias Sakshi Singh Rawat would come to haunt him one day. Mahendra Singh Dhoni had converted to Islam to marry Sakshi Singh Rawat as Hindus are not allowed second marriage. Their marriage was solemnised on 04 July 2010 in Lucknow near Babri Masjid in accordance with Islamic rites. He had married Sakshi while his first wife Deepika P was still alive. Had he paid her enough, the matter probably would not have come to light. While filing his divorce papers before the officer, Mahendra Singh Dhoni had written his name as Mahendra Singh Dhoni Kewal Krishn concealing his Muslim name Dilawar Khan

Indian Cricket Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, could not have thought in his wildest dreams that his second marriage to “Aaisha Bi Singh Rawat” alias Sakshi Singh Rawat would come to haunt him one day.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni had converted to Islam to marry Sakshi Singh Rawat as Hindus are not allowed second marriage. Their marriage was solemnised on 04 July 2010 in Lucknow near Babri Masjid in accordance with Islamic rites. He had married Sakshi while his first wife Deepika P was still alive. Had he paid her enough, the matter probably would not have come to light.
While filing his divorce papers before the officer, Mahendra Singh Dhoni had written his name as Mahendra Singh Dhoni Kewal Krishn concealing his Muslim name Dilawar Khan and wrote the name of his first wife in the respective column. When his cricket rivals brought the issue to the notice of BCCI authorities and the general public, he denied his conversion to Islam and change of name. But Delhi magazine Outlook published a photocopy of his Nikahnama (marriage document) which clearly said that Dilawar Khan Singh Dhoni accepted Aisha Bi Singh Rawat as his wife on 04 July 2010 at a mehr of, Rs 11,11,000 in the presence of two legal witnesses…

Dhoni, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Converts to Islam, Dhoni Turns To Islam, Mahendra Singh Dhoni Muslim, Dhoni Muslim, Dhoni Islam, Mahendra Singh Dhoni Vonvert

Mahendra Singh Dhoni Converts to Islam: Indian Cricket Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, could not have thought in his wildest dreams that his second marriage to “Aaisha Bi Singh Rawat” alias Sakshi Singh Rawat would come to haunt him one day.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni had converted to Islam to marry Sakshi Singh Rawat as Hindus are not allowed second marriage. Their marriage was solemnised on 04 July 2010 in Lucknow near Babri Masjid in accordance with Islamic rites. He had married Sakshi while his first wife Deepika P was still alive. Had he paid her enough, the matter probably would not have come to light.

While filing his divorce papers before the officer, Mahendra Singh Dhoni had written his name as Mahendra Singh Dhoni Kewal Krishn concealing his Muslim name Dilawar Khan and wrote the name of his first wife in the respective column. When his cricket rivals brought the issue to the notice of BCCI authorities and the general public, he denied his conversion to Islam and change of name. But Delhi magazine Outlook published a photocopy of his Nikahnama (marriage document) which clearly said that Dilawar Khan Singh Dhoni accepted Aisha Bi Singh Rawat as his wife on 04 July 2010 at a mehr of, Rs 11,11,000 in the presence of two legal witnesses…’

The nikah was solemnised by Maulana Qazi Abu Talha Misbahi Faizabadi.

Latest News : Dhoni Played drama of accepting Islam

All Muslims will love this video.

on 2:35:00 PM
The bowl is an extraordinary thing for Muslims as it was in the use of the last Prophet of Allah. This video shows the protocol when the bowl was shifted from London to The Chechen Republic. This bowl remained in use of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH and then was given to Hazrat Ali.

The bowl is an extraordinary thing for Muslims as it was in the use of the last Prophet of Allah. 
This video shows the protocol when the bowl was shifted from London to The Chechen Republic.
This bowl remained in use of Holy Prophet PBUH and then was given to Hazrat Ali.
Click the link below to watch video. 

Watch Video -> CLICK HERE 

Download Azan

on 11:16:00 AM
Now you can download Azan from this site. Download it and you can hear it at times of prayer before going for salat. Azan may refer to: Adhan or Azaan, Islamic call to prayer; Ivan Asen I of Bulgaria r. 1189-1196 or his sons; Ivan Asen II of Bulgaria r. 1218-1241. The Muslim call to ritual prayer, typically made by a muezzin from the minaret of a mosque.

24 January 2014

When Will The World End?

on 4:16:00 PM
The Quran states, O Prophet the infidels ask you about the time of Qiyamah (end of the world, the Hour). So tell them that it's knowledge is with Allah only. (Surah Luqman) There are many sequences of events, trials and tribulations to pass before even the start of the end of the world. The date 21st December 2012 was not significant as a date for the world to end, it was a scaremongering tactic and to make money off foolish, weak people. Only God knows when the world will end.

When Will The World End?

The world will not end suddenly; it will take time and a chain of events that will lead to the beginning of the end of the world. How do i know this and how can i advise you to not worry? I don't. Only Allah knows. People who are taking everyone else for a ride think they know, but if no human being knows exactly when the world started, then how can any human know when the world will end? Do we know when we are going to die? No. What i do know is that there is evidence in the Quran and Hadeeth (sayings of the prophet) in Islam regarding the matter of the the end of the world.

The Quran states, O Prophet the infidels ask you about the time of Qiyamah (end of the world, the Hour). So tell them that it's knowledge is with Allah only. (Surah Luqman)
There are many sequences of events, trials and tribulations to pass before even the start of the end of the world. The date 21st December 2012 was not significant as a date for the world to end, it was a scaremongering tactic and to make money off foolish, weak people. Only God knows when the world will end.
There are many things yet to have happened before the beginning of the end. For example, one of the most fascinating facts from the Hadeeth (Saheeh Al Bukhari) is that 'humans will go into the ancient times where battles will be fought on horses with swords and spears'. So where will the guns, tanks, submarines and fighter planes go? Something may happen so that things like these do not work, maybe? Another fact to remember is that we are still awaiting the arrival of the Dajjal (Antichrist), and not to forget Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog).
We may be faced with another world war, world war 3, as most of the developed and developing countries have got nuclear weapons, and it will only take one small thing to set off another war. This time though there will more serious damage to countries and people. But we cannot rule out the natural disasters that take place and will be taking place.

23 January 2014

Shoaib Akhtar Started Defrayment Experience with Tablighi Jamaat

on 11:28:00 PM
Metropolis: There is big change has been observed in Previous Asiatic Cricketer Shoaib Akhtar who has started outlay second with Churchly Activity, Tablighi Jamaat. According to few sources, he went for 3 life Tablighi Jamaat’s aggregation. On Parthian Weekday, it was observed that City Refer has decided to exchange his aliveness music. Lots of Shoaib Akhtar’s fans are shocked but paradisal. His fans are expression Shoaib on Ethnical Networking Sites. Umpteen People are locution Shoaib did a reactionist stair. His fans also said that Shoaib should get ringed now. On separate pointer, more fill are opposing Shoaib Akhtar’s new pick. They criticized Tablighi Jamaat and their orientation. Lots of group on Interpersonal Media said that Tablighi Jamaat is targeting on selected collection. </head>

Metropolis: There is big change has been observed in Previous Asiatic Cricketer Shoaib Akhtar who has started outlay second with Churchly Activity, Tablighi Jamaat. According to few sources, he went for 3 life Tablighi Jamaat’s aggregation. On Parthian Weekday, it was observed that City Refer has decided to exchange his aliveness music.
Lots of Shoaib Akhtar’s fans are shocked but paradisal. His fans are expression Shoaib on Ethnical Networking Sites. Umpteen People are locution Shoaib did a reactionist stair. His fans also said that Shoaib should get ringed now.
On separate pointer, more fill are opposing Shoaib Akhtar’s new pick. They criticized Tablighi Jamaat and their orientation. Lots of group on Interpersonal Media said that Tablighi Jamaat is targeting on selected collection.
Few claimed that this devout organization doesn’t fund answer on all aspects of experience. Shoaib should reorganize his judgement, A Youngish Shoaib fan argued on Mixer Media.Shoaib Akhtar
It’s pertinent to mention here that Shoaib is not the first Asian Cricketer who has affined with Tablighi Jamaat.
Earlier, Saeed Anwar, Mushtaq Ahmed, Inzamam ul Haq, Mohammad Yousaf, Shahid Afridi and another duad of other players spent experience with this churchgoing organization.

What should I do if I saw a Dream?

on 5:40:00 PM
"True dreams are from Allah and bad dreams are from satan" [Sahih of Bukhari, Vol 9 p 95, no 113] A dream is basically a vision that a person sees during their sleep. Dreams are a part of the spiritual parts of human life. Only by adhering to the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah can we form a reasonable understanding of dreams in an Islamic concept."True dreams are from Allah and bad dreams are from satan" A dream is basically a vision that a person sees during their sleep. Dreams are a part of the spiritual parts of human life. Only by adhering to the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah can we form a reasonable understanding of dreams in an Islamic concept. </head>

"True dreams are from Allah and bad dreams are from satan" [Sahih of Bukhari, Vol 9 p 95, no 113]
A dream is basically a vision that a person sees during their sleep. Dreams are a part of the spiritual parts of human life. Only by adhering to the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah can we form a reasonable understanding of dreams in an Islamic concept.

 Actions to take upon having a good dream
  1. View it as a good omen from Allah
  2. Praise Allah for it
  3. Narrate it to those whom he really trusts
  4. Avoid narrating the dream to whomever he does not trust
  5. Seek it's interpretation, especially from learned people with good knowledge of dream interpretation
Actions to take upon having a bad dream
  1. Seek Allah's protection from it's evil
  2. Seek Allah's protection from satan
  3. Lightly spit three times, on your left side
  4. Turn over and sleep facing the right hand side
  5. Say some duas or narrate some short surats (verses) like ayat ul kursi or sayA'uthu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim (I seek Allah's protection from Satan, the outcast)
  6. Get up and pray
  7. Avoid narrating it to anyone else
  8. Avoid attempting to interpret it

Why should women wear Hijab?

on 5:02:00 PM
The majority of Muslim women wear hijab, to obey God, and to be known as respectable women. (Quran 33:59) However, in the last 30 years hijab has emerged as a sign of Islamic consciousness. Many women see wearing the hijab as indicative of their desire to be part of an Islamic revival, especially in countries where the practice of Islam is discouraged or even forbidden. Women wearing hijab have expressed that dressing modestly and covering their hair </head>

  In the Quran God tells the believing men and women to lower their gaze and to dress modestly.  He (God) specifically addresses women when He asks them not to show off their adornment, except that which is apparent, and draw their veils over their bodies.  (Quran 24:30-31)
These verses of Quran are known as the verses of hijab and it is the consensus of Islamic scholars that they make the wearing of hijab mandatory.  Some countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar do enforce a dress code.  Women there are expected to cover their hair and wear some sort of loose fitting, full-length garment over their clothes.  However, for the majority of Muslim women around the world, to cover, or not to cover, is a freely made choice. God requires Muslim women to dress modestly and to wear the hijab in public and in the presence of men who are not close relatives. 
Although the English word scarf and the Arabic term hijab have become interchangeable, it is worth noting that hijab is more than just a scarf.  It is a term that covers a variety of clothing including scarves, but also a variety of different dress styles from around the world.  Many have cultural connotations such as the Pakistani shalwar khamis or the Afghani burqa, but whenever a Muslim woman covers “her adornment”, she is said to be wearing hijab.
The literal meaning of hijab is to veil, to cover, or to screen.  Islam is known as a religion concerned with community cohesion and moral boundaries, and therefore hijab is a way of ensuring that the moral boundaries between unrelated men and women are respected.  In this sense, the term hijab encompasses more than a scarf and more then a dress code.  It is a term that denotes modest dressing and modest behaviour.  For instance, if a Muslim woman was wearing a scarf but at the same time using bad language, she would not be fulfilling the requirements of hijab.
The majority of Muslim women wear hijab, to obey God, and to be known as respectable women.  (Quran 33:59)  However, in the last 30 years hijab has emerged as a sign of Islamic consciousness.  Many women see wearing the hijab as indicative of their desire to be part of an Islamic revival, especially in countries where the practice of Islam is discouraged or even forbidden.
While those who seek to ban hijab refer to it as a symbol of gender based repression, the women who choose to don a scarf, or to wear hijab, in the broadest sense of the word, do so by making personal decisions and independent choices.  They view it as a right and not a burden.  Nor do these women regard hijab as a sign of oppression.  Women who wear hijab often describe themselves as being “set free” from society’s unrealistic fashion culture. 
Hijab frees women from being thought of as sexual objects of desire or from being valued for their looks, or body shape rather then their minds and intellect.  No longer slaves to consumerism, hijab liberates women from the need to conform to unrealistic stereotypes and images dictated by the media.  Women wearing hijab have expressed that dressing modestly and covering their hair, minimises sexual harassment in the workplace. The aura of privacy created by hijab is indicative of the great value Islam places upon women.
It is true that in some families and in some cultures women are forced to wear hijab but this is not the norm.  The Quran clearly states that there is no compulsion in religion (2:256).  Women who choose to wear hijab do not make the decision lightly.  In fact many women testify that they faced great animosity from their Muslim or non-Muslim families when they decided to cover.  Across the globe there are numerous instances of women having to defend their right to wear the hijab.

22 January 2014

Syria: “Sheikh Google” Guiding Muslim Youth To “Jihad” In Error – Sheikh Khalid Yasin

on 4:16:00 PM
Renowned American-born Sheikh Khalid Yasin has chastised Muslim youth who set off for a questionable Jihad, whereas their state of affairs precludes their venturing to such cause. At a conference in Scandinavia, titled, “The Facebook Mujahideen,” the fiery Sheikh said many of the youth leave behind families they have responsibilities to; brothers who he says do not wake up for prayers, do not perform Hajj, do not respect their parents and then feel inspired by “Sheikh Facebook,” “Sheikh Google,” and then they decide to abandon their responsibilities and pick up and go to so-called Jihad.

Renowned American-born Sheikh Khalid Yasin has chastised Muslim youth who set off for a questionable Jihad, whereas their state of affairs precludes their venturing to such cause.
At a conference in Scandinavia, titled, “The Facebook Mujahideen,” the fiery Sheikh said many of the youth leave behind families they have responsibilities to; brothers who he says do not wake up for prayers, do not perform Hajj,  do not respect their parents and then feel inspired by “Sheikh Facebook,” “Sheikh Google,” and then they decide to abandon their responsibilities and pick up and go to so-called Jihad.

Sheikh Yasin said the people should be grateful to their environments, even those of their host communities in Europe and America. He said the prophet commanded people to be responsible and grateful to their host community. Telling the youth to be appreciative of technology and other tools that after-all bring the information into their living rooms, that made them know of Syria and feel like going there in the first place.
He spoke specifically about Syria, explaining that perhaps people can find other ways and tools to help the situation in Syria. That the prophet of Islam once said the person who gave the Mujaheed a horse to use got the full reward of Jihad.
He said the intention should be serving humanity, the issues of Islam, the Muslims and to do this, the first Muslim to serve is yourself, your family, your neighbourhood, the society where you live. Further saying that this is not the first time that Muslims killed, or raped. He said this happened in the Caliphate of Ali, less than 40 years after the death of the prophet, but Ali did not declare war against the fellow Muslims. He advised that before any youth goes to Jihad he must first get permission from Imam’s or Wali from their locality.
Quoting his post on Facebook:
As for all the hearsay, innuendos, inferences and allegations about the Shayk’s remarks on Jihad. Many Wives, mothers, and daughters have been complaining to many Shaykhs and scholars all around the world inquiring that there husbands and son’s want to go perform jihad, however, the Husband – he abuses his wife, the Husband – subjugates his wife, the Husband – he beats his wife, – the Husband, he sells alcohol and drugs and is an adulterer, yet he wants to go make jihad
or the son – he disrespects his mother and father, yet he wants to go make jihad. The Son, – he wants to leave his home to go perform jihad, when he doesn’t pray, fast, let alone take care of his brothers and sisters.

The Shaykh only addressed his comments towards those irresponsible Husbands and son’s who want to perform jihad not those who have the legitimacy to go.
Having presented that, and hoping that whomsoever considers themselves a Muslim, should read and digest this into their hearts

19 January 2014

Sayings of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)

on 11:50:00 PM

KINDNESS - Whoever has no kindness has no faith.

TRUST - Trust in God - but tie your camel first.
THE WORLD - Treat this world as I do, like a wayfarer, like a horseman who stops in the shade of a tree for a time, and then moves on.
OBJECTS - It is your attachment to objects which make you blind and deaf.
SLEEP - Sleep is the brother of death.
REFLECTION - The faithful are mirrors, one to the other.
WOMEN - Women are the twin-halves of men.
PRIVACY - Whoever invades people's privacy corrupts them.
WIVES - A virtuous wife is the best treasure any man can have.
OPPRESSION - When oppression exists, even the bird dies in its nest.
LOVE - Do you think you love your Creator? Love your fellow-creature first.
DISTRIBUTION - God it is who gives: I am only a distributor.
HELPING OTHERS - I order you to assist any oppressed person, whether he is a Muslim or not.
MONKISHNESS - No Monkery in Islam.
THE PIOUS - My back has been broken by 'pious' men.
CURSING - You ask me to curse unbelievers. But I was not sent to curse.
TEACHING - One hour's teaching is better than a whole night of prayer.
DAY AND NIGHT - The night is long: do not shorten it by sleep. The day is fair: do not darken it with wrongdoing.
HUMILITY - Humility and courtesy are themselves a part of piety.

ENVY - Envy devours good deeds, as a fire devours fuel.
THE LEARNED - Whoever honors the learned, honors me.
POVERTY - My poverty is my pride.
DEATH - Die before your death.
THE TONGUE - A man slips with his tongue more than with his feet.
DESIRE - Desire not the world, and God will love you. Desire not what others have, and they will love you.
PRIDE AND GENEROSITY - Pride in ancestry is really a property -interest. Generosity is a variety of piety.
PRACTICE - Who are the learned? Those who put into practice what they know.
PRINCES AND SCHOLARS - The best of princes is one who visits the wise. The worst of scholars is one who visits princes.
ANGER - You ask for a piece of advice. I tell you: "Do not get angry." He is strong who can withhold anger.
THE JUDGE - A man appointed to be a judge has been killed without a knife.
STRUGGLE - The holy warrior is him who struggles with himself.
INK AND BLOOD - The ink of the learned is holier than the blood of the martyr.
CONTEMPLATION - An hour's contemplation is better than a year's worship.
UNDERSTANDING - Speak to everyone in accordance with his degree of understanding.
FOOD - Nobody has eaten better food than that won by his own labor.
WORK - I am a worker.
ACCUSATIONS - Anyone reviling a brother for a sin will not himself die before committing it.
PARADISE - I will stand surety for Paradise if you save yourselves from six things: telling untruths, violating promises, dishonoring trust, being unchaste in thought and act, striking the first blow, taking what is bad and unlawful.
TASKS - Whoever makes all his tasks one task (i.e. the Hereafter), God will help him in his other concerns.
POETRY - In some poetry there is wisdom.
LIES, PROMISES, TRUST - He is not of mine who lies, breaks a promise or fails in his trust.
THOUGHTS - Good thoughts are a part of worship.
VISION OF THE FAITHFUL - The Faithful see with the light of God.
SOME BEHAVIOR - I am like a man who has lighted a fire, and all the creeping things have rushed to burn themselves in it.
THE QUR'AN - The Qur'an has been revealed in seven forms. Each verse has inner and outer meaning.
OBLIGATION TO LEARN - The pursuit of knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim.
THE YOUNG IN PARADISE - Old women will not enter Paradise: they will be young and beautiful first.
A JOURNEY - On a journey, the lord of a people is their servant.
RECOGNITION - Souls which recognize one another congregate together; those which do not, argue with one another.
TRUTH - Speaking the truth to the unjust is the best of holy wars.
KNOWLEDGE - Journey even as far as China seeking knowledge.
THE TIME WILL COME - The time will come when you are divided into 72 sects. A group among you will be my people, the people of Salvation.
THE BEQUEST - I have nothing to leave you except my family.

18 January 2014

Why we should not kill Spider?

on 7:50:00 PM
Why we should not Kill Spider? After Prophet (PBUH) fled Mecca, his enemies went after him. So, he, and his closest companion Abu Bakr RA, hid in a cave. He enemies reached the opening of the cave, but the enemies did not enter the cave because they noticed a spider’s web covering the opening of the cave, so they thought that it was impossible for Mohammad PBUH to have entered that cave. This miracle is mentioned in the Quran.

After Prophet (PBUH) fled Mecca, his enemies went after him. So, he, and his closest companion Abu Bakr RA, hid in a cave. He enemies reached the opening of the cave, but the enemies did not enter the cave because they noticed a spider’s web covering the opening of the cave, so they thought that it was impossible for Mohammad PBUH to have entered that cave. This miracle is mentioned in the Quran.
Due to this, some scholars say that we should not kill spiders.

Lion Speak Allah's Name

on 5:09:00 PM
SubhanAllah. Here is another miracle of Allah. Allah's existence is conformed and according to him,signs exist on earth which shows that Allah is present. This may be one of them. Lion speaking "Allah" as clearly as men. Allahu Akbar

The Fake American Quran

on 4:46:00 PM

The new AMERICAN Quran: a dangerous trick A new Quran is being distributed in Kuwait, titled “The True Furqan”. It is being described as the ayats of the Shaytan and Al-Furqan weekly magazine has found out that the two American printing companies;’Omega 2001′ and ‘Wine Press’ are involved in the publishing of ‘The True Furqan’, a book which has also been titled ‘The 21st Century Quran’! It is over 366 pages and is in both the Arabic and English languages…it is being distributed to our children in Kuwait in the private English schools! The book contains 77 Surats, which include Al-Fatiha, Al-Jana and Al-Injil. Instead of Bismillah, each Surat begins with a longer vesion of this incorporating the Christian belief of the three spirits. And this so called Quran opposes many Islamic beliefs. in one of its ayats it describes having more than one wife as fornication, divorce being non-permissable and it uses a new system for the sharing out of the will, opposing the current one. It states that Jihad is HARAAM. This book even goes as far as attacking Allah, Subhanahu wa Tahala! All this is poisoning our children at approx. $3.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,Please make sure you forward this page address to as many people as possible so that we can stop and inform our brothers and sisters about this dangerous trick.
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