27 February 2014

Is it allowed to fall in Love?

on 9:10:00 PM
Today this has been a major question among youth that falling in love is a sin or not? Love is basically a feeling and we may have no control on it. But it is under your control to keep your love pure. Islam suggests you to marry but not to make a couple before it. It has been noticed that marriages starting from least affection are most successful. Today this has been a major question among youth that falling in love is a sin or not? Love is basically a feeling and we may have no control on it. But it is under your control to keep your love pure. Islam suggests you to marry but not to make a couple before it. It has been noticed that marriages starting from least affection are most successful.

Today this has been a major question among youth that falling in love is a sin or not?

Love is basically a feeling and we may have no control on it. But it is under your control to keep your love pure. Islam suggests you to marry but not to make a couple before it. It has been noticed that marriages starting from least affection are most successful.

In Islam it is not a sin to have a feeling of love for someone because this is a natural feeling.We are, however, definitely responsible and accountable if we get carried away by such feelings and take specific actions or steps that might be deemed as haram (forbidden).
As far as male and female interaction is concerned, Islam dictates strict rules: It forbids all forms of ‘dating’ and isolating oneself with a member of the opposite gender, as well indiscriminate mingling and mixing.

Can we see angels?

on 8:39:00 PM
You might have seen videos or pictures on internet of angel on Kaaba or on Mosque. It is correct that as the Muslims worship Allah, angels also do so. But the real question is that can we see angels? Click read more to know the answer. You might have seen videos or pictures on internet of angel on Kaaba or on Mosque. It is correct that as the Muslims worship Allah, angels also do so. But the real question is that can we see angels? Click read more to know the answer. You might have seen videos or pictures on internet of angel on Kaaba or on Mosque. It is correct that as the Muslims worship Allah, angels also do so. But the real question is that can we see angels? Click read more to know the answer. You might have seen videos or pictures on internet of angel on Kaaba or on Mosque. It is correct that as the Muslims worship Allah, angels also do so. But the real question is that can we see angels? Click read more to know the answer.

You might have seen videos or pictures on internet of angel on Kaaba or on Mosque.

It is correct that as the Muslims worship Allah, angels also do so. But to believe that someone saw angel or an angel caught in a video is fully a wrong. 

And Allah knows the best!!

Google ordered to remove anti-Islam movie from YouTube

on 1:52:00 PM
A US appeals court on Wednesday ordered Google Inc. to remove from its YouTube video-sharing website an anti-Islamic film that had sparked protests across the Muslim world. By a 2-1 vote, a panel of the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday rejected Google's assertion that the removal of the film “Innocence of Muslims,” amounted to a prior restraint of speech that violated the US Constitution. The plaintiff, Cindy Lee Garcia, had objected to the film after learning that it incorporated a clip she had made for a different movie, which had been partially dubbed. Representatives for Google could not immediately be reached for comment.

A US appeals court on Wednesday ordered Google Inc. to remove Anti Islamic movie from its YouTube. 

By a 2-1 vote  9th US Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday rejected Google's assertion that the removal of the film “Innocence of Muslims,” amounted to a prior restraint of speech that violated the US Constitution.

This movie had created unrest among the Muslims all over the world. This news would surely delight them and a ban on YouTube in several countries including Pakistan come to an end.

24 February 2014

Who Is Satan?

on 10:26:00 PM
We all know who he is, and what he does and did. The concept of shytan or Satan is there in every religion but the true concept is founded in Abrahamic religions only. Among Abrahamic religions, the true picture of Satan is only given by Islam, other religions corrupted their scriptures so whatever written in them cannot be believed with utmost surety. So, the story of shytan as mentioned in Quran is that he was a jinn, who was taken to heavens by angels when he was a kid. According to some traditions, he was a very beautiful child and he was alone and was crying. When angels passed by him, they took him and with ALLAH's permission, he was raised among angels. He was very worshiping. He used to worship ALLAH swt more than angels and for this he was called azazil. When he got to know about a new creation, humans, he got jealous.

The concept of shytan or Satan is there in every religion but the true concept begin from Abrahamic. 
So, the story of shytan as mentioned in Quran is that he was a jinn, who was taken to heavens by angels when he was a kid. According to some traditions, he was a very beautiful child and he was alone and was crying. When angels passed by him, they took him and with ALLAH's permission, he was raised among angels. He was very worshiping. He used to worship ALLAH swt more than angels and for this he was called azazil. When he got to know about a new creation, humans, he got jealous. When ALLAH swt ordered angels to prostrate before Adam pbuh, angels did but Satan denied saying that human was no better than him. He said that human is made of clay while he was made of fire. Above all, he felt jealous because ALLAH swt has taught humans that knowledge which was not taught to any other creation before. It was for this knowledge that angels prostrated Adam pbuh. because of his disobedience, ALLAH swt banished shytan from heavens by calling him Satan. He somehow managed to enter jannah where Adam and Eve were living. He made them eat the forbidden fruit.

Basicly, shytan wanted the same to happen with Adam and Eve which happened to him. But ALLAH swt know everything and HE knows why things happen. So He sent Adam and Eve to earth where they repented and made dua mentioned in Quran;

7-23 “They said: Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If thou forgive us not and have not mercy on us, surely we are of the lost!”

So ALLAH swt pardoned them ans human race began. Now, shytan has aksed ALLAH swt for the respite till the day of judgement for misleading human beings and leading them away from ALLAH swt. ALLAH swt granted him this. Just look at the fate of shytan, when he could ask for ALLAH's forgiveness, he chose to go against HIM. When he knew that ALLAH swt is all in all, he did not chose to repent, but he chose war. Satan knows that his destination is hell, and he probably have some idea ( ALLAH knows the best) what hell is, still he chose the hell over heaven. He knew ALLAH's mercy, but he chose HIS wrath. What a cursed fool Satan is. And what fools humans are to follow him who is marked for hell.

The word shytan, according to some historians, has derived from shatana which means a far away thing. According to other historians, this word has been derived from word shata which means burned. Most historians say that the first meaning is more accurate because when iblees disobeyed ALLAH, he went far far away from all the mercy and kindness and goodness. The second meaning can also be taken because shytan is a jinn created from fire.

Shytan has prepared his army against human race and with passing centuries this army has become huge. His agents include both men and jinn. So the common misconception that shayatin are only jinns is wrong. It is also mentioned in glorious Quran as follows;

6:112 And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies ู€ Shayatin (devils) among mankind and Jinn, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception)

Also, there are many sayings of Prophet Muhammad pbuh where He pbuh told us about shayatin. According to a hadith recorded in musnad ahmed, prophet Muhammad pbuh said:

“O Abu Dharr! Seek refuge with Allah from the devils of mankind and the Jinns.) Abu Dharr said, "I asked him , `Are there human devils' He said, (Yes.)”

thus, Satan has both human and jinn companions. About humans, some cults have existed for long who worship satan. Even today, there are some secret satanic temples where children, new born babies, males and females are molested and sacrificed to please shytan. The modren day known cult of Satan is known by the name “zion”. According to some authentic research, Zionists worship Satan. Most of the Zionist belong to Judaism. And their strong hold is in Israel,  the illegal state, America and Britain. ALLAHU ALAM.

Satan has always attracted human attention with riches and short term worldly pleasures. And humans have always felt attraction for satanic fool. We should seek ALLAH's refuge from the evil of Satan. Because for every trick of Satan, we know simple and easy solutions which Satan does not like. May ALLAH swt keep us safe from satanic traps. Amin 

What are 10 Major Sins in Islam ?

on 10:18:00 PM
Sins are classified into two categories, the major sins and the minor sins. It is easy to abstain from major sins because we know them and we will never like to go near them, but to abstain from minor sins is the real issue because sometimes we do not even know if we have committed sins and we do not even repent due to our ignorance. According to scholars, 80 percent of all the acts we do come neither into the category of reward nor into the category of punishment. They are called mutahab. Since the topic is about major sins so will concentrate on them only. Major sins are those acts which will be replaced with great deal of punishment not only in this world, but in hereafter as well.

Major sins are those acts which will be replaced with great deal of punishment not only in this world, but in hereafter as well. Below are given few of major sin;
1: shirk
Shirk or ascribing partners with ALLAH is that sin which will never be pardoned because when a person commits shirk, he associates partners with ALLAH and goes beyond the concept of oneness of ALLAH. With the passage of time, humanity lost itself into the matters of worldly affairs and forgot the message of ALLAH and who their GOD was. Shirk comes with suspicions. When a person is suspicious that something might not hurt him or cause him any other damage he starts to seek ways to get rid of it, by sometimes praying it and sometimes praying others against it. This shows the weakness of iman.

4:48. Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin.

2: to not call kafir, a kafir
It is another big sin to call a kafir a Muslim or a right person. A kafir is one who does not believe in ALLAH. Thus a kafir is not be made friend nor he should be taken as kin. In Quran, ALLAH swt even told us to disown even the parents who are kafirs because living with a kafir wil weakens the iman of a Muslim. But this must not be confused with dawah. To do dawah means to invite others towards Islam. But making friends with kafirs or taking them as relatives’ means that you do not care for the honor of ALLAH and thus you commit a grave sin.

3: blasphemy
Though blasphemy is not even considered as a minor sin today, but it is a major sin., and those who made fun of Muhammad s.a.w.w in the life time of Muhammad s.a.w.w and even after Him, most of them were killed for this. To love and respect Muhammad s.a.w.w is the most important thing for every Muslim to do. If we cannot listen a bad word about our own parents, how could we make our ears listen to the filth against our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w?

4: renouncing Islam
Apostasy is another major sin and in most cases apostates are killed no matter if one comes up with thousands of explanations. It is written in Quran and explained from sahih hadith that those apostates who renounce Islam for the sake of some rewards or to defame Islam, they should be killed. These people become a danger for the imans of even other people and sometimes we see them given protection by non Muslims and their filthy works are rewarded by them. Slamn rushdi, taslima nasrin and some others are the prominent apostates who instead of clearing their misconceptions relied on their personal opinions about Islam and they are still under protection of non Muslims.

5: innovation
To innovate new things in Islam and to reject few things from Islam and hadith as well as from Quran is another major sin. The innovators are the people who change the shariat according to their damned wishes and while doing so, they do not understand for a second that they have not only ruined their own imans but they have ruined their follower’s iman as well. Today we see many innovators misleading people and people too follow them blindly.

6: rejection of hadith
Rejection of sunnah and only believing in Quran is also a major sin. Muhammad s.a.w.w predicted about such people who will reject hadith. Also, it is against the orders of ALLAH to obey Him and to obey His Messenger s.a.w.w. such people are excluded from the folds of Islam.

7: murder
Murder is a grave sin which is condemned in Islam is very clear words. Quran says that one who kills an innocent has killed a whole humanity. Thus Quran condemns it and does not restricts unjust killing to Muslim but also to non Muslims. Such a person is punished in this world and he will be on the mercy of ALLAH In this matter in the hereafter too.

8: suspicions
Suspicions are the human perceptions about the things he sees. These perceptions made him sometimes to disbelief and sometimes to harm other. Thus false perceptions and suspicions without any reason are restricted in Islam. They have no ground in Islam and they are always baseless.

9: lies and back biting
Lies and backbiting also come under major sins. Lies can never be hidden and backbiting is as if somebody eats his dead brother’s meat which is degusting. When a person lies he cuts his good deeds and when a person backbites, he gives a part of his good deeds to the person about whom he backbite and takes his sins as reward. Backbiting is to tell a truth (a negative thing) about a person in his absence.

10: jadu-magic
Magic is a grave sin and it comes under shirk. Magic is a knowledge which is to invoke evil jins and devils for fulfilling a purpose. The magician might not even know that he is committing a sin, but he actually calls upon jins instead of Allah and that too to harm other. Magic was never used for good from the day first. It was always taken as an easy source to sow the seed of hatred between people thus magic is not only a shirk but also a sin of discomforting others because of one’s evil desires.

Where Does Life Start From?

on 10:10:00 PM
Did you ever think about your life? We all know what life is. We all know how we are born. But there is something which many of us do not know. Or may be, you never tried to learn about the very phases of life. Whatever the case may be, but the life itself is such a great mystery that to deal with it is not that simple. According to this verse, we were once lifeless. This state of lifelessness will return when we will die and then we will be given life again. The important point here to notice is the word “nothing”. We were nothing before we became something.First thing to know is that we are created from dust. Dust that gives life to other things, itself is lifeless. So our core is taken from the lifelessness and then it is molded into life. Second thing is, our beginning starts from a drop of water, which Allah swt calls lowly water. This drop then turns into a blood clot which is like a leech. His leech then grows into us.

Did you ever think about your life? We all know what life is. We all know how we are born. But there is something which many of us do not know. 

 Or may be, you never tried to learn about the very phases of life. Whatever the case may be, but the life itself is such a great mystery that to deal with it is not that simple. Allah swt say in the following verse of Quran;
Al-Quran [002:028] How can you not believe in Allah? You were (once) lifeless and He gave you life. Then, He will give you death, and then He will bring you back to life. Then, you shall return to Him.
According to this verse, we were once lifeless. This state of lifelessness will return when we will die and then we will be given life again. The important point here to notice is the word “nothing”. We were nothing before we became something. How is it possible? The following verses explain it as;
[022:005] O people, if you have any doubt about resurrection, (remember that) we created you from dust, and subsequently from a tiny drop, which turns into a hanging (embryo), then it becomes a fetus that is given life or deemed lifeless. We thus clarify things for you. We settle in the wombs whatever we will for a predetermined period. We then bring you out as infants, then you reach maturity. While some of you die young, others live to the worst age, only to find out that no more knowledge can be attained beyond a certain limit. Also, you look at a land that is dead, then as soon as we shower it with water, it vibrates with life and grows all kinds of beautiful plants.
[023:014] Then we developed the drop into a hanging (embryo), then developed the hanging (embryo) into a bite-size (fetus), then created the bite-size (fetus) into bones, then covered the bones with flesh. We thus produce a new creature. Most blessed is GOD, the best Creator.
First thing to know is that we are created from dust. Dust that gives life to other things, itself is lifeless. So our core is taken from the lifelessness and then it is molded into life. Second thing is, our beginning starts from a drop of water, which Allah swt calls lowly water. This drop then turns into a blood clot which is like a leech. His leech then grows into us. In the first forty days of an embryo, it is life less. After 40 days, with Allah's decree, this lifeless clot starts to beat like our heart beats. This also tells us that our brains develop after our Hearst are developed.

Now, the point is to understand that life started from nothing. It started from no life and it will eventually return to no life. This is a blessing. This is why, Allah swt will ask us about our life and how we did with it. If we spend our lives in trolling and wandering around, it will be a waste. Think, are you created for waste? None of us likes to be called a waste in this world. In fact, this is such an insulting term that huge fights break out because of it. But still, most of us treat this blessing as a waste. And on the day of judgement, if Allah swt calls you a waste, how would you feel. There would be no place to hide face and there would be no shoulder to shed the tears. There will be only endless regrets and no solution.

To avoid all this, life should be taken seriously. Since it emerges from nothingness, so it will return to nothingness again. 

How Is It To Be Poor?

on 10:03:00 PM
Being poor is one of the biggest fears of people. No body wants to be poor. No one wants to to live the life of poverty. The fear of poverty is one of the many reasons which satan exploits. He leads people to acquire wealth and he leads people to accumulate it just because they would never like to be poor. This is true. We see it all around us. Rich are becoming richer. They do not so much as give a second thought to those who are in need. It is said that about 80 richest people in this world has the same wealth as 3.2 billion poor people across the globe have. Look at the difference between 80 people and 3.2 billion people. Can you imagine how those 3.2 billion people must be living. What needs they forgo to survive? For the poor, all it means to live is mostly to just survive. While, for the rich, living means all the fun!

Being poor is one of the biggest fears of people. No body wants to be poor. No one wants to to live the life of poverty. The fear of poverty is one of the many reasons which satan exploits.

He leads people to acquire wealth and he leads people to accumulate it just because they would never like to be poor. Allah swt say in Glorious Quran;
[002:268] Shaitan scares you with (the prospect of) poverty, and bids you to adopt (lewd and) shameless conduct, while Allah promises you His forgiveness and (His) bounties! Allah is the Bounteous, the most Aware.
This is true. We see it all around us. Rich are becoming richer. They do not so much as give a second thought to those who are in need. It is said that about 80 richest people in this world has the same wealth as 3.2 billion poor people across the globe have. Look at the difference between 80 people and 3.2 billion people. Can you imagine how those 3.2 billion people must be living. What needs they forgo to survive? For the poor, all it means to live is mostly to just survive. While, for the rich, living means all the fun! This is why no one wants to be poor. Allah swt say in Quran;
[017:100]  Say, “Even if you had treasures of what my Lord blessed you with, you would still, for fear of poverty, hold it back (not spend it).” Man is indeed stingy.
All the dead cities which were found after years of digging, had one thing in common. They had wealth. All there wealth remained here and they are long gone. This is very human to accumulate wealth. But islam says to spend the wealth, no accumulate it. Here, an important thing to know is that islam is not against wealth, but it is against its accumulation.

This third caliph of Islam, hazrat Utheman r.a. Was a very rich person. When he embraced islam, he did not only adopted a simple life style but he also gave his wealth for the sake of betterment of society, in the way of Allah. In his duration of khilafah, he r.a used to take the zakat in his hand to look for anyone worthy of it, but he could not. This was the financial state of muslims in his time. All if this was achieved not because they found some treasure in the desert but because the greed of money was not there.

Prophet Muhammad pbuh said;

Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 76, Number 555:

Narrated Usama:
The Prophet said, "I stood at the gate of Paradise and saw that the majority of the people who had entered it were poor people, while the rich were forbidden (to enter along with the poor, because they were waiting the reckoning of their accounts), but the people of the Fire had been ordered to be driven to the Fire. And I stood at the gate of the Fire and found that the majority of the people entering it were women."
Being poor is no sin. In fact, being poor is a state where one can learn the most harsh realities and lessons of life. One should not seek the state of poverty to learn something, but being poor should not be such a fear where one starts following satan.

Muslim American woman says Islam changed her fate

on 9:25:00 PM
An American woman, converted to Islam 25 years ago, said on Sunday that choice of Islam as her religion has changed her destiny. Speaking on the sidelines of the 36th Nationwide Competitions on Recitation and Memoraization of Holy Quran, Muri Haski, said her husband who is Iranian has encouraged her to study and make research on Islam. Ms. Haski said that she had converted to Islam after widescale study, coming to know that Islam is a religion teaching its followers the lesson of worshipping, treating family and society. “I am proud of having a great Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and of my religious book, Holy Quran, which guides me throughout my life.”

An American woman, converted to Islam 25 years ago, said on Sunday that choice of Islam as her religion has changed her destiny. 

Speaking on the sidelines of the 36th Nationwide Competitions on Recitation and Memoraization of Holy Quran, Muri Haski, said her husband who is Iranian has encouraged her to study and make research on Islam.

Ms. Haski said that she had converted to Islam after widescale study, coming to know that Islam is a religion teaching its followers the lesson of worshipping, treating family and society.

“I am proud of having a great Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and of my religious book, Holy Quran, which guides me throughout my life.” 

Can we have a girlfriend or boyfriend?

on 12:40:00 AM
A friendship wth the opposite sex is not of Islam. It used to be of the Jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic era) style of life. A friendship of the two sexes can never be safe or sex-free. I agree that in some exceptional cases, it could be innocent. But, a law is usually amended for social regulations. There is no law to be customized for a certain person or few people. The Qur'an and Sunnah guidance for the sexes dealing with each other has a main major issue for which Islam has set principles and rules to govern. It is the desire and lust. The Qur'an prohibits anything that motivates one's heart in a seductive way towards the other. A friendship of the two sexes can never be safe or sex-free. I agree that in some exceptional cases, it could be innocent. But, a law is usually amended for social regulations. There is no law to be customized for a certain person or few people. The Qur'an and Sunnah guidance for the sexes dealing with each other has a main major issue for which Islam has set principles and rules to govern. It is the desire and lust. The Qur'an prohibits anything that motivates one's heart in a seductive way towards the other.

A friendship with the opposite sex is not of Islam. It used to be of the Jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic era) style of life. 

A friendship of the two sexes can never be safe or sex-free. I agree that in some exceptional cases, it could be innocent. But, a law is usually amended for social regulations. There is no law to be customized for a certain person or few people.

The Qur'an and Sunnah guidance for the sexes dealing with each other has a main major issue for which Islam has set principles and rules to govern. It is the desire and lust. The Qur'an prohibits anything that motivates one's heart in a seductive way towards the other. The Qur'an tells a woman when she speaks to a man to speak in a way that doesn't show any interest in him lest he should feel seduced to build up an unhealthy relationship. If there is a possibility in any kind of action that it could lead by some percentage into catastrophe, no one will ever take that risk. I can say what you call friendship could have some percentage of leading into haram. How would you go to that risk whereas if a doctor says to you an operation of a certain organ could lead you into death? You would say I don't want to risk my life, but I will take the pain.

Firstly, this is a deen but not a man's opinion. Lastly, if you take it, you certainly will be on the safe side. If you want to follow reason, reason has a lot of defects and sometimes we cannot draw the line to know who is sane and who is insane. Sometimes you cannot know which is which.

23 February 2014

Muslim Girl attacked for wearing Hijab

on 7:16:00 PM
In In this video we can see a man hit a Muslim girl because she wore Hijab but Media not show this or report this but when a planned game is happening the video spread in all over the world which happened in London and showed Muslims people bad. Dear brothers/Sisters PLEASE SHARE this video and show the world this is also against humanity and spread this as much as you can. this video we can see a man hit a Muslim girl because she wore Hijab but Media not show this or report this but when a planned game is happening the video spread in all over the world which happened in London and showed Muslims people bad. Dear brothers/Sisters PLEASE SHARE this video and show the world this is also against humanity and spread this as much as you can.

In this video we can see a man hit a Muslim girl because she wore Hijab but Media not show this or report this but when a planned game is happening the video spread in all over the world which happened in London and showed Muslims people bad.

Dear brothers/Sisters PLEASE SHARE this video and show the world this is also against humanity and spread this as much as you can

How to wear Hijab?

on 12:47:00 PM
This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way. Video Download Play

This video will teach you method of wearing Hijab in a perfect way.

22 February 2014

Swimming pool during an earthquake

on 5:45:00 PM
View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. View of Swimming pool during earthquake. Video Download Play Convert

View of Swimming pool during earthquake.

Viking calendar predicts the world will end today

on 10:56:00 AM
According to a Viking myth, the end of the world comes to an end on February 22. The Norse mythology predicts the Earth will split open and release the inhabitants of the underworld on Saturday. The Earth will fall into the sea, and life as we know it will cease to be. Going into details, on Saturday, according to Norse legend, the series of events leading up to Ragnarok will culminate in an epic battle, where Norse gods will fight among themselves. The mighty Odin will be killed by Fenrir and the other creator gods will fall.

According to a Viking myth, the end of the world comes to an end on February 22. The Norse mythology predicts the Earth will split open and release the inhabitants of the underworld on Saturday. The Earth will fall into the sea, and life as we know it will cease to be.

Going into details, on Saturday, according to Norse legend, the series of events leading up to Ragnarok will culminate in an epic battle, where Norse gods will fight among themselves. The mighty Odin will be killed by Fenrir and the other creator gods will fall.

Is world really going to end today?

You should not take this serious because according to Quran, no such sign shows that world is going to end.
You can read When will the world end?  to know exactly the truth about end of world.

21 February 2014

First Islamic Auto Wudu Machine Launched

on 11:18:00 PM
A Malaysian company has made a Auto Wudu Machine last week specially for Wudu of Muslims. This Machine is made to save water wasting during Wudu. This Machine has made Wudu more easy, better as well as faster. Most importantly it will save lot of water that many people usually waste during doing Wudu. its an green color computerized Machine. while doing Wudu its is not required to to touch the taps because taps will active with water proof diffuser sensors.Another amazing thing in this machine is that its surfaces are coated completely with Nano silver which will help in preventing the bacteria,s infection as well as contact fungal. another feature of this machine is that it will also play Dua while starting and after doing the Wudu automatically.
A Malaysian company has made a Auto Wudu Machine last week specially for Wudu of Muslims. This Machine is made to save water wasting during Wudu. This Machine has made Wudu more easy, better as well as faster.

 Most importantly it will save lot of water that many people usually waste during doing Wudu. its an green color computerized Machine. while doing Wudu its is not required to to touch the taps because taps will active with water proof diffuser sensors.

Another amazing thing in this machine is that its surfaces are coated completely with Nano silver which will help in preventing the bacteria,s infection as well as contact fungal. another feature of this machine is that it will also play Dua while starting and after doing the Wudu automatically. But the cost of this Machine is very high $3500. the amount spent by the company while developing this Machine is  $2.5 Million. As i said above the main benefit of the machine is that it will save the water from wasting. This company will try to introduce to this Machine at Hajj for which they are discussing with Saudi authorities. May Allah Swt help us in doing Wudu according to Sunnah of our Prophet Saw without wasting the water.

20 February 2014

Why non-muslims are are not allowed to enter Makkah?

on 1:42:00 PM
Mecca and Madinah are cities of great importance in Islamic tradition -- centers of pilgrimage and prayer, sacred places where Muslims are free from the distractions of daily life.It is true that only Muslims are allowed in the Sacred Mosque in Mecca. The simple reason it is so, is because it is the command God Almighty made in the Holy Quran. Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 9 Surah Taubah verse 28:O you who have believed, the ‘mushriks’ (polytheists) are ‘unclean’; therefore, let them not come near the Sacred Mosque (of Mecca) after this year. The ‘unclean’ is used in the verse in the spiritual sense, not the physical sense. Allah has commanded that no polytheists must be allowed to enter the Sacred Mosque, and this command will stand till the end of time. Therefore, there is no one who can facilitate your visit to the Sacred Mosque, except yourself. If and when you testify that there is no god but God Alone, and that Mohamed is God’s slave-servant and Messenger, you are more than welcome to visit the Sacred Mosque.

Mecca and Madinah are cities of great importance in Islamic tradition -- centers of pilgrimage and prayer, sacred places where Muslims are free from the distractions of daily life.

It is true that only Muslims are allowed in the Sacred Mosque in Mecca.  The simple reason it is so, is because it is the command God Almighty made in the Holy Quran.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 9 Surah Taubah verse 28:O you who have believed, the ‘mushriks’ (polytheists) are ‘unclean’; therefore, let them not come near the Sacred Mosque (of Mecca) after this year.  
The ‘unclean’ is used in the verse in the spiritual sense, not the physical sense.    Allah has commanded that no polytheists must be allowed to enter the Sacred Mosque, and this command will stand till the end of time.   Therefore, there is no one who can facilitate your visit to the Sacred Mosque, except yourself.  If and when you testify that there is no god but God Alone, and that Mohamed is God’s slave-servant and Messenger, you are more than welcome to visit the Sacred Mosque.   
There are millions of mosques around the world, and if you wish, you are more than welcome to visit any one of them. This command is specifically only for the Sacred Mosque in Mecca.

Man in coma reciting Quran, Allahu Akbar

on 1:38:00 AM
Man in coma reciting Quran, Allahu Akbar. Every Muslim should see this video.Man in coma reciting Quran, Allahu Akbar. Every Muslim should see this video.Man in coma reciting Quran, Allahu Akbar. Every Muslim should see this video.Man in coma reciting Quran, Allahu Akbar. Every Muslim should see this video.Man in coma reciting Quran, Allahu Akbar. Every Muslim should see this video.Man in coma reciting Quran, Allahu Akbar. Every Muslim should see this video.Man in coma reciting Quran, Allahu Akbar. Every Muslim should see this video.Man in coma reciting Quran, Allahu Akbar. Every Muslim should see this video.Man in coma reciting Quran, Allahu Akbar. Every Muslim should see this video.Man in coma reciting Quran, Allahu Akbar. Every Muslim should see this video.

Every Muslim should see this video.

19 February 2014

Hans Raj Hans Converts to Islam, Becomes Muslim

on 11:23:00 PM
Indian singer Hans Raj Hans has been converted to Islam and has changed his name to Muhammad Yousuf. He has verified his conversion to Islam while talking to INP in Lahore Museum. He will very soon visit to Medina, Saudi Arabia. Islam is the best religion which gives a message of brotherhood, love and peace, said Muhammad Yousuf.I am proud that I have accepted Islam but I will be known as Hans Raj Hans in the world of singing. He is a well known and experienced singer of India. He learned singing when he was very young from a well known music director Charanjiti ahuja. <!-- google_ad_section_start --> Islam <!-- google_ad_section_end-->
Indian singer Hans Raj Hans has been converted to Islam and has changed his name to Muhammad Yousuf. He has verified his conversion to Islam while talking to INP in Lahore Museum. 
He will very soon visit to Medina, Saudi Arabia. Islam is the best religion which gives a message of brotherhood, love and peace, said Muhammad Yousuf.
I am proud that I have accepted Islam but I will be known as Hans Raj Hans in the world of singing. He is a well known and experienced singer of India. He learned singing when he was very young from a well known music director Charanjiti ahuja.

Jobs in Saudi Arabia

on 9:21:00 PM
Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories). Jobs in Saudi Arabia Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories).
Consultants, Specialists & Resident Doctors (All Categories)

Journey to Planet Mars is Against Islam

on 11:36:00 AM
It is to be mentioned here that around 1 million people have registered to apply for the journey to the planet. Among the applicants, include large number of Muslims belongings from various sects across the globe, including the Saudi Arabia. According to the Saudi scholar Hakimi, life of a man is a custody embodied to a man. Hence, a Muslim should not put his life into danger. Further he said that travelling to Mars requires 7 month time period in space due to its far location from Earth. There remain much chance of deaths and loss of one’s life. Therefore, the journey is prohibited. He said <!-- google_ad_section_start --> Islam Journey <!-- google_ad_section_end-->
A Human Found on Mars
According to the Saudi scholar Hakimi, life of a man is a custody embodied to a man. Hence, a Muslim should not put his life into danger.

Riyadh: Saudi Arabia’s known Muslim clergy and Supreme Ulema Council member Al-Sheikh Ali Hakimi has offered statements pertaining to the journey to Mars, terming it to be a ‘prohibition’, considering the Islamic preaching. He stated it to be synonymous to taking oneself to death.’ There is no space of such activity in Islam’, the scholar further said.

It is to be mentioned here that around 1 million people have registered to apply for the journey to the planet. Among the applicants, include large number of Muslims belongings from various sects across the globe, including the Saudi Arabia.
Saudi scholar Hakimi  said that travelling to Mars requires 7 month time period in space due to its far location from Earth. There remain much chance of deaths and loss of one’s life. Therefore, the journey is prohibited. He said that first animals should be taken to Mars. If successful, people shall then be allowed to take the space flight.
It is fascinating that the life staking and long space flight based journey has several live threats. But despite to the issues, the flight is cheap and has flexible conditions.
An individual below 40 -age group can take on board to the space flight with payment of 38 dollars only. Aeronautical experts provide the necessary training required for the approved candidates. Reports have stated that only 6 out of 477 Saudi applicants could be termed eligible for Mars journey.