01 February 2014

Watch brutality of Army in Kashmir

on 1:57:00 PM
Kashmir is normally known as Jannat due to its beauty but it is shameful to see how people in Kashmir are being treated by Armed forces. The video below shows everything Kashmir is normally known as Jannat due to its beauty but it is shameful to see how people in Kashmir are being treated by Armed forces. The video below shows everything Kashmir is normally known as Jannat due to its beauty but it is shameful to see how people in Kashmir are being treated by Armed forces. The video below shows everything Kashmir is normally known as Jannat due to its beauty but it is shameful to see how people in Kashmir are being treated by Armed forces. The video below shows everything

Kashmir is normally known as Jannat due to its beauty but it is shameful to see how people in Kashmir are being treated by Armed forces. The video below shows everything