A baby has been born in Israel who looks same as Dajaal. Birth of Dajaal is one of the sign of Qiyamah,(Day of Judgment) .
The signs of Qiyamah…..
-Homosexual -People speaking ill of others ancestors
-Clothing that shows off most of the body
-No more stars in the sky
-People Disappearing
-Tall buildings
-Appearance of Imam Mahdi. ..
-Appearance of Dajjal...
-Descending of Prophet Isa (A.S.)...
-Appearance of Yajooj Majooj..
-The rising of the sun from the west after which the doors of forgiveness will be closed.
-The Dab’bat al-Ard will emerge from the ground & will mark all the true Muslims
-40 days of fog.. that will kill all the true believers so that they do not have to experience the other signs.
-A huge fire..will cause destruction.
-Destruction of the Kabah.
-The writing in the Quran will vanish.
-The trumpet will be blown the 1st time & all animals & kafirs left will die & all mountains & buildings will crumble.
Our Prophet S.A.W. said, ‘Whoever delivers this news. to someone else, I will on the Day of Judgment make for him a place in Paradise ....
Let’s just see if evil stops this one.
Send this to all on your Friends.... in the list. If you ignore it, just remember that Muhammad S.a.w said,
‘If you deny me before man, I will deny you in day of judgment...
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