There are mixed regarding the question that who was Usama Bin Laden. Some Muslims says that he was Mujahedeen-e-Islam but on the other hand some people see Usama as a terrorist or an American agent. While some might argue that it would have been better to capture and try him in a court of law, most American Muslims are hopeful that the terrorism he promoted will be greatly reduced with his death. Terrorism is completely against Islam, which forbids the targeting of civilians and random violence. While many Americans believe that Osama Bin Laden was a widely respected Muslim leader. There are mixed regarding the question that who was Usama Bin Laden. Some Muslims says that he was Mujahedeen-e-Islam but on the other hand some people see Usama as a terrorist or an American agent. While some might argue that it would have been better to capture and try him in a court of law, most American Muslims are hopeful that the terrorism he promoted will be greatly reduced with his death. Terrorism is completely against Islam, which forbids the targeting of civilians and random violence. While many Americans believe that Osama Bin Laden was a widely respected Muslim leader.

There are mixed regarding the question that who was Usama Bin Laden. Some Muslims says that he was Mujahedeen-e-Islam but on the other hand some people see Usama as a terrorist or an American agent.
While some might argue that it would have been better to capture and try him in a court of law, most American Muslims are hopeful that the terrorism he promoted will be greatly reduced with his death. Terrorism is completely against Islam, which forbids the targeting of civilians and random violence. While many Americans believe that Osama Bin Laden was a widely respected Muslim leader.