The citizens lost their breaths when they saw a kid hanging from the fifth floor of a tall building but at this time, his mother was sleeping carelessly being unaware of the situation. This accident occurred in residential building in a town of Brazil. While looking at hanging baby, a huge crowd gathered screaming. This scene continued for one minute after which people saved this baby. The citizens lost their breaths when they saw a kid hanging from the fifth floor of a tall building but at this time, his mother was sleeping carelessly being unaware of the situation. This accident occurred in residential building in a town of Brazil. While looking at hanging baby, a huge crowd gathered screaming. This scene continued for one minute after which people saved this baby. The citizens lost their breaths when they saw a kid hanging from the fifth floor of a tall building but at this time, his mother was sleeping carelessly being unaware of the situation. This accident occurred in residential building in a town of Brazil. While looking at hanging baby, a huge crowd gathered screaming. This scene continued for one minute after which people saved this baby.

The citizens lost their breaths when they saw a kid hanging from the fifth floor of a tall building but at this time, his mother was sleeping carelessly being unaware of the situation.
This accident occurred in residential building in a town of Brazil. While looking at hanging baby, a huge crowd gathered screaming. This scene continued for one minute after which people saved this baby.
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