28 July 2014

How To Do Wudu?

on 1:53:00 AM
Wudu, is a preparation for salah or to touch the Quran because the Quran can only be touched by the pure ones and the salah can only be offered by the pure ones .And wudu also keeps us protected from skin diseases. Steps of doing wudu: 1: Make Intention to perform wudu. Intention is the Islamic concept of performing an act for the sake of Allah. To truly perform Wudu, you should seriously focus on it. Recite Bismillah before starting the wudu. 2: Wash your right hand with your left hand and wash your left hand with your right hand three times. Make sure that the water is reached to all parts of your hand.
Wudu, is a preparation for salah or to touch the Quran because the Quran can only be touched by the pure ones and the salah can only be offered by the pure ones .And wudu also keeps us protected from skin diseases. 
Steps of doing wudu:

1: Make Intention to perform wudu. Intention is the Islamic concept of  performing an act for the sake of Allah. To truly perform Wudu, you should seriously focus on it. Recite Bismillah before starting the wudu.

2: Wash your right hand with your left hand and wash your left hand with your right hand three times. Make sure that the water is reached to all parts of your hand.

3: Rinse you mouth with water. Use your right hand to put water into your mouth. Swish it in your mouth and the back of your throat. Do this three times.

4: Inhale water into your nose. Use your right hand to put water into your nose three times. 

5: Wash your face three times by spreading the water from your right ear to the left ear, and from the edge of the hair to the chin. 

6: Wash your arms from wrists to elbows. Do not leave any part dry. From your wrist to your elbow, wash your right arm with your left hand with your right hand and right hand with your left hand three times.

7: Clean your head using your wet hands, mildly wipe your forehead from the eyebrow to the edge of your hair. Also wipe your hair behind your neck .Perform this act once.

8: Wipe your ears in and out. Use the same water; use your finger to This must clean all the crevices of your ear. Use your thumb to clean the back side of your ears. also be done once.

9: Wash your both feet properly with your left hand .Make sure that the water is going into in between your toes. Start this from right foot. Do this act thrice. 

10: While pointing the right index finger to the sky, recite a brief prayer of witness. Generally, the prayer is as follows: "Ash-hadu anlaa ilaaha illALLAHu wahdahuu laa shariikalahu, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhuu wa rasuuluhu."


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