01 July 2014

A Palestinian refugee camp bombed by the Alawatie Regime

on 2:25:00 AM
In the province of Deraa, Palestinians were killed on Monday, in Southern Syria. Two male adults and 4 children, were identified by palestinian Hunatarian activists group. In South of Damascus in ‘Yarmouk Camp’ Palestinian refugees are paying a high price for their status of refugees. The number of killed Palistinian refugees in syrian revolt is estimated about 1500. The paestinian authority based in the West-Bank has taken the side of the regime. They have directly blaimed Jabhat-al-Nosra and jabhat-al-Islamia to be responsible for humanitarian voilence in Yarmouk Camp. In the province of Deraa, Palestinians were killed on Monday, in Southern Syria. Two male adults and 4 children, were identified by palestinian Hunatarian activists group. In South of Damascus in ‘Yarmouk Camp’ Palestinian refugees are paying a high price for their status of refugees. The number of killed Palistinian refugees in syrian revolt is estimated about 1500. The paestinian authority based in the West-Bank has taken the side of the regime. They have directly blaimed Jabhat-al-Nosra and jabhat-al-Islamia to be responsible for humanitarian voilence in Yarmouk Camp.
In the province of Deraa, Palestinians  were killed on Monday, in Southern Syria. Two male adults and 4 children, were identified by palestinian Hunatarian activists group.
In South of Damascus in ‘Yarmouk Camp’ Palestinian refugees are paying a high price for their status of refugees. The number of killed Palistinian refugees in syrian revolt is estimated about 1500. The paestinian authority based in the West-Bank has taken the side of the regime. 

They have directly blaimed Jabhat-al-Nosra and jabhat-al-Islamia to be responsible for humanitarian voilence in Yarmouk Camp.


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